Homeschooling's Pros and Cons.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hello, everyone, and welcome to my third blog entry. This will be a little different than the other two, and in it I will be discussing the major factors to homeschooling. This peice will introduce the world of homeschooling, so you can learn waht the "goods and bads" are.

I always like to lure people in with the good things about something, like your Comcast business man who shows up at your door to give you details about it. Take notice that he doesn't say "We will be fixing the Web everyday, so you will rarely have internet access!" No, of course he doesn't. He wouldn't get much business then, and would soon be out of a job. He brings you in with something more persuading such as, "You'll have internet access 24/7!" Who doesn't want that?

To begin with, homeschooling is much better (in my opinion) than public school. I don't believe the teacher's know what they are supposed to be teaching, but instead show up only to collect their check. However, if your mom or dad teaches you at home, he or she will have your education in mind, unlike the grumpy old Mr. Flowsenheimer. This way, even though your parents may not have been certified as a teacher, you will learn much more and go to college and end up having a great, well paying job that you enjoy! How great is that? Imagine, you could be an architect, or anything you want with an education.

Secondly, there is your schedule. When you are homeschooled, you are able to choose your schedule. Well, your parents do, but they will most likely work it out where it benefits you the most. For example, your mom could give you a longer Christmas vacation. Instead of one week vacation, you could be getting two! Now, there is a catch. "Isn't there always?" you may be saying. However, this catch isn't all that bad. The catch: Work through the summer with a light schedule. I know you might be thinking No way! Is this kid crazy! But before you go dumping the whole idea in the trash, give me one chance to explain. If you work through the summer (a light schedule is all that is needed), you can then have a much easier schedule during the actual school year. For instance, say you wake up and realize that your mom let you sleep in. This is a good thing at first, but then you might start to panic about having to work later in the day. However, your mom would be able to drop subjects from your day. Handy, huh?

Now, here come the Cons about homeschooling. Though you'd be able to change your schedule, you can't just not do your work just because you don't want to. Just like in public school, you have to have gotten through the majority of your curriculum over the course of the school year. Within this one Con, is yet another, and that is that the government is a lot stricter on homeschoolers. Therefore they make you do subjects that aren't required of the public school kids. You will be forced to do your State History and Health, which, to me, seem useless.

The last Con I want to talk about is the fact that your "teacher" while homeschooling is also your mom. She has the right to ground you if you talk back to your "teacher". That seems a bit unfair to me, but hey, I live! This is also a bad thing because she can slap you in the back of the head if she feels like it without being penalized.

Nevertheless, homeschooling is worth the effort and time. If you are willing to learn, homeschooling is the best thing for you to do! Trust me.


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