Another day, another dollar... so they say.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hello again.

A few people tell me that if I work hard, and consistently I will get a good job and be well paid. I now realize that was just a bunch of bullcrap my mother spewed to me to inspire me to work hard at school. I mean, who doesn't like the idea of getting a lot of money? I sure do, so I foolishly did so, and guess where that got me. It got me into the job of mowing my neighbor Dan's lawn for five dollars a week. That seemed fair in the beginning, so I willingly accepted the job and mowed his lawn every Saturday it didn't rain.

What a mistake.

As the time went by, I kept mowing Dan's lawn, but he stopped paying me regularly. I didn't say anything, but stopped mowing his lawn. I mean, nobody wants to work without pay, even a kid. Unless he is required by law, and that work is schoolwork. My mom began to think I was shirking my responsibility. In a way, she was correct, but I would never tell her that, or I'd be beaten, forced to mow his lawn, then grounded for a week. So, instead, I said I'd mow it after I was done school. She agreed since she believes school is the most important thing for me.

Man is she gullable. I've shirked it ever since, with the same excuse. To be honest, I think she'll catch on soon then I'll be in big trouble, but eh. I'll forced to do it. No big deal really, I just wanted to prove my point, which I believe I've done a fantastic job on doing so.

It's as they say, if I work hard, I'd do a good job. Well, I think that's a bit of backlash for them.


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