An interesting twist

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I was writing my novel the other day and I realized that the novel should include a twist, since at the current moment it was pretty boring. I thought of killing off every one but two people for the sole purpose of drama, but I then thought that it might not be very fun to read, or there would be too much drama. I still haven't found the solution to my twist, mostly because of my thoughts after I thought of killing everybody. I figured that even if I only thought of killing everybody, that it might make me a possible genocidal maniac.

Now, I had a pretty good reason to think so. While I was watching Fox News (of which I'm a big fan), there was a discussion on the O'Reilly Factor about a pedophile who thought he was online chatting with two thirteen year old girls, and a fifteen year old girl. Now, there were two women who were acting as O'Reilly's panel. He informed the viewers of his show that this pedophile was arrested for only his thoughts about having, which he clearly stated as he talked to the three supposed teenage girls (all of whom were male cops) what his "actions" would be once they met at the local park. O'Reilly then asked if the pedophile deserved to be put away for only the attempt of having sexual contact with these girls. The girls said yes, but one of them said that he hadn't legally committed any crime. However, they both agreed that even though he did not carry out his actions he still deserved to be locked up.

Now, this got me thinking about some things. Will this mean that if I thought about killing everybody in a book, would I be arrested? And so I decided not to put that into the novel. However, I am still trying to think up a twist that would fit nicely in with my plot. I am failing, and my task is beating me. I even thought about dropping the twist altogether. Then, I thought that maybe if I took the twist out it would make the novel boring. That's the last thing I want. If I maybe killed one of the characters in the book, that is indicated at dying soon anyway, maybe I'd get away with it. Yes, that is what I'll do. This way I'll save my novel from becoming boring, and won't be arrested for it. Finally, after a long week of debates, I have found a solution to my problem.

I must now thank you for your help. You have allowed me to brainstorm, where anybody else just walks away. Though, did you have much of a choice? And how should I know you actually stayed to read it? It's not like you signed in blood a contract saying "I will read Declan's rants without walking away". You could just walk away, and I'd never know. And then I'd have nobody listen to what I had just said. Oh. Great. Now my head is filled with a ba-jillion other questions that I have no way of answering. It's not like I can write them into another post, because you could easily just walk away from that one too. This is going to be a problem. I have one question that needs to be answered when I begin the post, and now I have 30 at the end of it.

Nevertheless, I must thank you for your time at least. Oh wait... you didn't have to spend any time reading this. Nevermind. I thank you all anyway, how about that? There doesn't have to be a reason to thank people. I thank my dog for giving me the inspiration to start my novel, which is completely a lie, because my dog is too lazy to even eat her dinner. Anyway, I will now bid you all adieu, and hope you all have a great day.



Monday, August 17, 2009
How many people go to lakes a year? I don't know, but it has to be a very high, unpronounceable number. Lakes are good places for kids to swim, and usually good family places to go. They're peaceful areas where you can just relax your troubles away.... and return to them once you get home.

This is most likely the case, but not always. For example, yesterday I went to a lake that was free. My mom usually looks for the free things to go to, and that is why bada bing, we were at this lake an hour and a half from Lancaster. I can't remember the name of the lake, but it was full of forestry, log cabins, and stuff you'd see on a mountain side. It was unbelieveable that it was only about 10 miles from Harrisburg at most. It was nice up in the forest, which turned out to be a state park. The temperature was about seven degrees cooler than in the hot, steaming city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It felt good just to get away from the city for a change.

So, when driving in, we noticed a kid was crying and his family was panicing and trying to call the universal number, Ghostbusters. No, not really. As cool as that would have been, they were dialing '911'. They couldn't get signal and when my family asked what was wrong, the crying kid's parents told us his eye was literally stuck together, apparently by melted plastic. However the hell that got into the kid's eye. Anyway, my dad successfully gets through to 911, and he asks for medical assisstance. We then all figured the kid would be fine with his family, and left to have a relaxing day at the beach.

When we arrived, my mother and sister sent me over to scout out non-buggy spots. I don't know what the hell they meant by that, since it was a forest and usually bugs come with the trees. Nevertheless, I picked a spot and we set up our chairs and ate our artichoke and pesto sandwiches. We began to look around, and I tell you it was the best day for people-watching. You saw a variety of every kind of person. You saw the strange family across from us, who were a bit.... strange. Then you had the Russian Mafia behind us, and you were then hit with the one you cannot escape. The homeboy. At least, the kid thought he was a homeboy. He walked around with his jeans down to his knees, with the belt that was not making any difference at all. However, what was most funny about this kid was, when he changed into his bathing suit, he did the same thing. The swim shorts were around his knees with his boxers showing. I mean,that doesn't even look "cool" if that's what he was aiming for.

Later, a normal family arrived, looking like us: new to the place. They sat down and did the exact same thing as we did, people-watch. They were very reluctant to break the groups. They went to the bathroom in two's and three's. I myself it was a bit extreme, but there were some extreme people at the lake at the time. And so, we spent the day swimming, which turned out to be fun because we were even people watching as we swam. It was pretty strange when we realized that there was a 60 year old man was watching a group of teenagers. Well, he was a pervert (go figure), and we tried to avoid the man. It was easier than you would think, since he was blatantly swimming in a circle around a group of teenage girls, and staring at them.

And so our adventure ends, and we know what to expect next time, and we also know to get a little secluded area where we can sit on our own. What a day.

Earth, a wonderful place....

Friday, August 14, 2009
Have you ever wondered why you are on this planet and not on Mars? If so, welcome to the club. Sometimes I wonder why, but then my sister reminds me by saying "You are just here to annoy me!" And I thank her and go on with my day as usual.

Now that I think about it, being put on Earth to annoy my sister isn't a half bad reason. I mean, your job is easy. Every day, make sure you get on her nerves, which is never that hard ( especially with my sister). Think of your sister as a time bomb, that is always on the edge of exploding, and your the guy trying to make the time go quicker. The series of events might happen in this fashion: you annoy her, she explodes, and sometimes even chases you around the house with a stick, but you get the satisfaction of knowing you were able to tick her off. That is something to be proud of. So far, I think I have managed to annoy my sister once every day for about 3 weeks running now.

If you ask your mom this question "Why was I put on Earth?", she'll probably give you a worried look and say "So you can learn and prosper." That isn't a half bad reason either. I like the idea of prospering and getting rich. The learning part is a must though, and I find myself disappointed that nobody has invented a "skip school" device where all the knowledge you would learn in school transfers into my head. Then my other part of my brain says that that's foolish and childish. So I end up struggling through school to get that magnificent job as an archaeologist so I can be rich and prosperous.

There is one more explanation that you might get. This comes from mainly your priest ( if you go to church and religious). Sometimes even if you aren't religious and you ask a priest why you were set on Earth you will most likely get this answer. "To serve God, and others, and make yourself holy as He is holy." Now, this might not make sense to you if you are not religious, but hey, it could be another reason anywho. Those are three reasons I believe that we could be on Earth for. Or, it could be some awful mishap and we're just a mistake.

I think I'd like to live on Mars better anyway. But then again, it's a planet full of sand, and I've had enough sand in my life in the past month to last me a millenia.

Homeschooling's Pros and Cons.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hello, everyone, and welcome to my third blog entry. This will be a little different than the other two, and in it I will be discussing the major factors to homeschooling. This peice will introduce the world of homeschooling, so you can learn waht the "goods and bads" are.

I always like to lure people in with the good things about something, like your Comcast business man who shows up at your door to give you details about it. Take notice that he doesn't say "We will be fixing the Web everyday, so you will rarely have internet access!" No, of course he doesn't. He wouldn't get much business then, and would soon be out of a job. He brings you in with something more persuading such as, "You'll have internet access 24/7!" Who doesn't want that?

To begin with, homeschooling is much better (in my opinion) than public school. I don't believe the teacher's know what they are supposed to be teaching, but instead show up only to collect their check. However, if your mom or dad teaches you at home, he or she will have your education in mind, unlike the grumpy old Mr. Flowsenheimer. This way, even though your parents may not have been certified as a teacher, you will learn much more and go to college and end up having a great, well paying job that you enjoy! How great is that? Imagine, you could be an architect, or anything you want with an education.

Secondly, there is your schedule. When you are homeschooled, you are able to choose your schedule. Well, your parents do, but they will most likely work it out where it benefits you the most. For example, your mom could give you a longer Christmas vacation. Instead of one week vacation, you could be getting two! Now, there is a catch. "Isn't there always?" you may be saying. However, this catch isn't all that bad. The catch: Work through the summer with a light schedule. I know you might be thinking No way! Is this kid crazy! But before you go dumping the whole idea in the trash, give me one chance to explain. If you work through the summer (a light schedule is all that is needed), you can then have a much easier schedule during the actual school year. For instance, say you wake up and realize that your mom let you sleep in. This is a good thing at first, but then you might start to panic about having to work later in the day. However, your mom would be able to drop subjects from your day. Handy, huh?

Now, here come the Cons about homeschooling. Though you'd be able to change your schedule, you can't just not do your work just because you don't want to. Just like in public school, you have to have gotten through the majority of your curriculum over the course of the school year. Within this one Con, is yet another, and that is that the government is a lot stricter on homeschoolers. Therefore they make you do subjects that aren't required of the public school kids. You will be forced to do your State History and Health, which, to me, seem useless.

The last Con I want to talk about is the fact that your "teacher" while homeschooling is also your mom. She has the right to ground you if you talk back to your "teacher". That seems a bit unfair to me, but hey, I live! This is also a bad thing because she can slap you in the back of the head if she feels like it without being penalized.

Nevertheless, homeschooling is worth the effort and time. If you are willing to learn, homeschooling is the best thing for you to do! Trust me.

Another day, another dollar... so they say.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hello again.

A few people tell me that if I work hard, and consistently I will get a good job and be well paid. I now realize that was just a bunch of bullcrap my mother spewed to me to inspire me to work hard at school. I mean, who doesn't like the idea of getting a lot of money? I sure do, so I foolishly did so, and guess where that got me. It got me into the job of mowing my neighbor Dan's lawn for five dollars a week. That seemed fair in the beginning, so I willingly accepted the job and mowed his lawn every Saturday it didn't rain.

What a mistake.

As the time went by, I kept mowing Dan's lawn, but he stopped paying me regularly. I didn't say anything, but stopped mowing his lawn. I mean, nobody wants to work without pay, even a kid. Unless he is required by law, and that work is schoolwork. My mom began to think I was shirking my responsibility. In a way, she was correct, but I would never tell her that, or I'd be beaten, forced to mow his lawn, then grounded for a week. So, instead, I said I'd mow it after I was done school. She agreed since she believes school is the most important thing for me.

Man is she gullable. I've shirked it ever since, with the same excuse. To be honest, I think she'll catch on soon then I'll be in big trouble, but eh. I'll forced to do it. No big deal really, I just wanted to prove my point, which I believe I've done a fantastic job on doing so.

It's as they say, if I work hard, I'd do a good job. Well, I think that's a bit of backlash for them.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Hello everyone who is reading this,

My name is Declan, and in this blog I intend to type whatever I feel like at the time. Some of that might seem like useless and senseless jibberish. However, I strongly urge you not to stop reading this blog, for that jibberish may just be the very code to saving all humanity.... or it could just be jibberish, and therefore you'd be back to the starting board.

To begin with, I will introduce myself. I am a 13 year old male who, as all other 13 year olds, enjoys to play video games and watch TV. However, I am also active, therefore I don't exactly hog out in front of the television all day. Only on occasion, which is pretty much every other Saturday... and Sunday. I play soccer for my local high school since my fellow 13 year olds are too busy playing video games to show up and make a middle school team. I feel that I am one of the few great players on my team... not to boast and whatnot.

I have several interests that I want to point out. As you might have guessed by now, soccer is one of the biggest. I have played soccer for as long as I can remember, which might be close to 5 years now. I have excelled at my position, which is a midfield, but am fighting for a spot on the right side of the field. My coach thinks differently and puts me on the left all the time. How annoying. My second interest is video games. I cannot say much, for what is there to say? I mean, come on, they're video games. Last but not least, I am fascinated with history and science. Therefore, I am going to study to be an archaeologist, so I can get the history and science. Killing two birds with one stone.

I live in a small city called Lancaster. Ever heard of it? Most likely not, but you just may have happened to see a small city on your map that has a sign saying BORING! with big red arrows pointing to it. While we're on the topic, I'd like to say that I would much rather live in New Mexico where all the excavations are occuring. That would be awesome if I could watch, but I'm stuck on the east coast right now. I guess that isn't all bad, for instance, I took a trip to Assateague Island, Maryland. It was as fun as it could be, seeing as I had to carry 35 lb on my back and then beach camp. I can tell you I came back a different man. I'm all sunburn and peeling skin now.

So I don't waste too much of your time, I will end this post and bid you all ado. Thank you for your time, I wish you a good day.

- Declan

Here is my sister's blog. Visit it!